Vapor Glass is a tech demo showcasing my interactive condensation simulation technology, originally developed in collaboration with Anne-Sophie Oberkrome ( of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).


Download the Windows setup executable and run the installation wizard, following its instructions. Only Windows platforms are currently supported.


Move the camera forwards, backwards, left, or right using the WASD or arrow keys.

Turn the direction of the camera by moving the mouse while holding the right mouse button.

Interact with the condensation simulation (vapor glass) by pointing at it with the mouse pointer and clicking or holding the left mouse button (must be adjacent to the glass panel for this to work).


According to the agreement reached between me and Ms. Oberkrome, the interactive condensation technology showcased in this tech demo is my original intellectual property (as opposed to the visual assets produced or purchased by her for her own project). If you are interested in licensing this technology for your own project, please contact me using the contact form.